Several different awards and scholarships are awarded each year, but very few students/chapters are aware of the different opportunities. Below are brief descriptions of the different scholarships and awards that are awarded at the state level. More information and applications for all of the following can be found under the "Resources" section of the Virginia TSA website.
Johnson and Whales University:
Scholarships are being offered by Johnson and Whales University for Virginia TSA students that place 1st through 3rd at the State Conference in one of the following contests: Webmaster, Computer Aided Drafting 2D and 3D, Technical Sketching and Application, and Promotional Graphics. The first place winner will recieve a $1000 scholarship, the second place winner will recieve a $750 scholarship, and the third place winner will recieve a $500 scholarship. We would like to encourage students to enter these contests; every entry is a chance toward a scholarship!
Thomas A. Hughes Scholarship (Seniors Only):
This is a $1000 scholarship offered to students that will be majoring in teacher preparation and recieving certification in technology education. The award is given based on dedication to becoming a teacher and leadership potential.
John Monroe Scholarship (Seniors Only):
This $500 scholarship is available to students that will major in teacher preparation and become certified in technology education. The award is given based on dedication to becoming a teacher and leadership potential.
Member of the Year (Individual):
Students must be enrolled in a Technology Education class, have completed middle or high school Technology Education, and be a TSA member.
Chapter Excellence (Chapter):
Awarded based on number of TSA members (and number of members enrolled in Technology Education classes), number of years the chapter has been affiliated, chapter involvement, fundrasising projects held by the chapter, and leadership activities the chapter has been involved in.
Commedation (School District):
Available for school districts that affiliate all secondary (high school) Technology Education classes with TSA.
Community Service (Chapter):
Chapters that complere community service/volunteer projects throughout the year are eligible for this award.
(See the "Blue Ridge Gives Back" page for information on upcoming community service projects!)
Achievement (Individual):
Students can be eligible for the three different levels of this award (bronze, silver, and gold) based on their abilitied in leadership development, understanding technology, school and community service, and career and personal planning. Different tasks are awarded a certain number of points; students move up a level for every 100 points accumulated.
Century (Chapter):
Available for chapters that affiliate more than 100 students through the Chapter Affiliation Plan (CAP).
Advisor of the Year (Chapter):
Advisor must be nominated by two other chapter advisors for the chapter and advisor's accomplishments over the past three years.
We hope to see as many people apply for the awards and scholarships as possible!