Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kicking Off the Year!

"Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results." - George S. Patton

 Hello Blue Ridge TSA! The Regional Council has been hard at work all summer to ensure that this is the best year we've had so far. With so many plans for the upcoming year, it's extremely important that we stay in touch with each chapter every step of the way.

 Some things to look forward to:
  • A Fall Rally: The Fall Rally is an event held in the fall by each region that is designed to motivate the students to get involved throughout the year by offering break out sessions focusing on leadership and problem solving skills.
  • A Regional Community Service Project: This project will give students the oppertunity to give back to their communities and expand the influence of TSA in the region.
  • The Regional Spring Conference: Students will be able to compete against other students from the region to qualify in certain contests for the State level.
  • A Region Attire Program: This program will help students that cannot afford to buy TSA attire by collecting attire from past members or that current members have outgrown. (See the link on the left for more information)
  • Installation of new Regional Council Members: Students are encouraged to apply for the six avaliable council positions for the 2010-2011 school year.
  • The State Leadership Conference, or Technosphere: The State level conference gives sutdents the oppertunity to compete against students from across the state, run for state office, and spend time with other exceptional TSA members.
 More information about all of these events will be coming out as the dates approach, so keep an eye out! As your representative on the Executive Council, please let me know any ideas you have for the regional, state, or national TSA associations so that I may take actions into making them a reality. You have elected a remarkable group of State Officers for this year, who have already been hard at work to ensure that you have an amazing year. I look forward to keeping you involved on all the details and plans of our region, and as always, just shoot me an email if you have any questions!

- Jill Pritts, Blue Ridge Region President

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